In [ ]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [2]:
import os
import expipe
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import spatial_maps.stats as stats
import septum_mec
import septum_mec.analysis.data_processing as dp
import septum_mec.analysis.registration
import head_direction.head as head
import spatial_maps as sp
import speed_cells.speed as spd
import re
import joblib
import multiprocessing
import shutil
import psutil
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import statsmodels
import seaborn as sns
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
from neo import SpikeTrain
import scipy
from functools import reduce
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm_notebook as tqdm

from septum_mec.analysis.statistics import load_data_frames, make_paired_tables, make_statistics_table

from spikewaveform.core import calculate_waveform_features_from_template, cluster_waveform_features

from septum_mec.analysis.plotting import violinplot, despine
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=12)
    'font.size': 12, 
    'figure.figsize': (8, 4), 
    'figure.dpi': 150

output_path = pathlib.Path("output") / ("theta-rhythmicity")
(output_path / "statistics").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
(output_path / "figures").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
In [4]:
data_loader = dp.Data()
actions = data_loader.actions
project = data_loader.project
In [5]:
data, labels, colors, queries = load_data_frames()
Number of sessions above threshold 194
Number of animals 4
Number of individual gridcells 139
Number of gridcell recordings 230
In [6]:
theta_action = actions['theta-rhythmicity']
theta_results = pd.read_csv(theta_action.data_path('results'))
In [7]:
stim_action = actions['stimulus-response']
stim_results = pd.read_csv(stim_action.data_path('results'))
In [8]:
data = data.drop(columns='theta_score').merge(theta_results, how='left')
In [9]:
data = data.merge(stim_results, how='left')
In [10]:
data['stim_strength'] = data.stim_p_max / data.theta_peak
In [11]:
keys = [
In [12]:
results, labels = make_paired_tables(data, keys)
In [13]:
entity unit_idnum channel_group date Baseline I 11 Hz Baseline II 30 Hz
51 1833 8 0 20719 1.248894 NaN NaN NaN
85 1833 13 0 20719 NaN 0.037071 1.287301 0.176807
86 1833 14 0 20719 NaN 0.107253 1.573884 NaN
58 1833 23 0 200619 1.032539 NaN NaN NaN
127 1833 26 0 200619 NaN NaN 0.851083 0.265955
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
139 1849 835 4 150319 NaN NaN NaN 2.182959
43 1849 851 5 60319 2.999367 NaN NaN NaN
65 1849 932 7 280219 1.869360 NaN NaN NaN
74 1849 937 7 280219 NaN 0.264037 NaN NaN
105 1849 939 7 280219 NaN NaN 2.499672 NaN

137 rows × 8 columns

In [14]:
xlabel = {
    'theta_score': 'Theta rhythmicity',
    'theta_bandpower': 'Theta energy (dB)',
    'theta_relpower': 'Theta relative energy',
    'theta_relpeak': 'Theta relative power',
    'theta_peak': 'Peak PSD (dB/Hz)',
    'theta_freq': '(Hz)',
    'theta_half_width': '(Hz)',
    'stim_bandpower': 'Energy (dB)',
    'stim_relpower': 'Relative energy',
    'stim_relpeak': 'Relative power',
    'stim_half_width': '(Hz)',
    'stim_p_max': 'Peak PSD (dB/Hz)',
    'stim_strength': 'Ratio',
for cell_type in ['gridcell', 'ns_inhibited', 'ns_not_inhibited']:
    for key in keys:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3.5,2.2))
        plt.suptitle(key + ' ' + cell_type)
        legend_lines = []
        for color, label in zip(colors, labels):
            legend_lines.append(matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], color=color, label=label))
        sns.kdeplot(data=results[cell_type][key].loc[:,labels], cumulative=True, legend=False, palette=colors, common_norm=False)
            bbox_to_anchor=(1.04,1), borderaxespad=0, frameon=False)
#         plt.xlim(-0.05, bins[key].max() - bins[key].max()*0.02)
        figname = f'theta-rhythmicity-{key}-{cell_type}'.replace(' ', '-')
            output_path / 'figures' / f'{figname}.png', 
            bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)
            output_path / 'figures' / f'{figname}.svg', 
            bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)


In [ ]:
stats = {}
for cell_type, result in results.items():
    stats[cell_type], _ = make_statistics_table(result, labels)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
for cell_type, stat in stats.items():
    stat.to_latex(output_path / "statistics" / f"statistics_{cell_type}.tex")
    stat.to_csv(output_path / "statistics" / f"statistics_{cell_type}.csv")
In [ ]:
for cell_type, cell_results in results.items():
    for key, result in cell_results.items():
        result.to_latex(output_path / "statistics" / f"values_{cell_type}_{key}.tex")
        result.to_csv(output_path / "statistics" / f"values_{cell_type}_{key}.csv")


In [ ]:
from septum_mec.analysis.plotting import plot_bootstrap_timeseries
In [ ]:
coher = pd.read_feather(output_path / 'data' / 'spike_psd.feather')
freqs = pd.read_feather(output_path / 'data' / 'freqs.feather')
In [ ]:
freq = freqs.T.iloc[0].values

mask = (freq < 100)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
for cell_type in ['gridcell', 'ns_inhibited', 'ns_not_inhibited']:
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(5,1.5))
    axs = axs.repeat(2)
    for i, (ax, query) in enumerate(zip(axs.ravel(), queries)):
        selection = [
            for i, r in data.query(query + ' and ' + cell_type).iterrows()]
        values = coher.loc[mask, selection].dropna(axis=1).to_numpy()
        values = 10 * np.log10(values)
        plot_bootstrap_timeseries(freq[mask], values, ax=ax, lw=1, label=labels[i], color=colors[i])
#         ax.set_title(titles[i])
        ax.set_xlabel('Frequency Hz')
#         ax.set_ylim(-30, 0)
    figname = f'spike-psd-{cell_type}'.replace(' ', '-')
        output_path / 'figures' / f'{figname}.png', 
        bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)
        output_path / 'figures' / f'{figname}.svg', 
        bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)

Store results in Expipe action

In [ ]:
action = project.require_action("theta-rhythmicity")
In [ ]:
copy_tree(output_path, str(action.data_path()))
In [ ]:
septum_mec.analysis.registration.store_notebook(action, "20-theta-rhythmicity.ipynb")
In [ ]: