registered: '2018-10-25T21:55:28' licence_duration: definition: Duration of the licence for the software. value: '' licence_start: definition: The start date of time limited licence. value: '' licence_count: definition: Number of the software's licence. value: '' licence_expiration: definition: The end date of time limited licence. value: '' version: definition: Version of the software. value: 0.4.1 identifier: software_openephys_gui owner: definition: The owner of the software. value: '' developer: definition: The developer or the developers firm. value: Open Ephys Team licence: definition: License type value: '' distribution: definition: Distribution type value: '' description: definition: The descrisption of the software. value: The Open Ephys GUI was built by neuroscientists, for neuroscientists. It already has all the features needed to acquire and visualize your data—but it also makes it easy to add new modules written in C++. name: software_openephys_gui definition: This is a software section .