registered: '2018-10-25T21:55:28' licence_duration: definition: Duration of the licence for the software. value: '' licence_start: definition: The start date of time limited licence. value: '' licence_count: definition: Number of the software's licence. value: '' licence_expiration: definition: The end date of time limited licence. value: '' version: definition: Version of the software. value: 2.3.0 identifier: software_bonsai_gui owner: definition: The owner of the software. value: '' developer: definition: The developer or the developers firm. value: Gonçalo Lopes at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown licence: definition: License type value: '' distribution: definition: Distribution type value: '' description: definition: The descrisption of the software. value: Bonsai is open-source software for processing heterogeneous streams of data. It is ideal for real-time video analysis, but it can simultaneously control your experiments and/or acquire data from the Open Ephys acquisition board. name: software_bonsai_gui definition: This is a software section .