time_post_fixative: unit: h value: '' registered: '2018-10-25T21:55:28' notes: value: '' time_stiffness: unit: min value: '' time_liver_clearing: unit: min value: '' flow_rate: unit: L/min value: '' time_true_fixation: unit: min value: '' anaesthetic: definition: The drug used for anaesthesia. value: Isoflurane and Pentobarbital identifier: perfusion_procedure anaesthetic_dose: definition: The dose of the used anaesthetic. value: 1 L/M of Isoflurane until unconcious, then 0.7 mL Pentobarbital fixative: definition: The fluid used to fixate the tissue. value: 4 % paraformaldehyde buffer: definition: The fluid used to flush out blood vessels. value: 0.9 % NaCl in H2O description: definition: A textual description of the preparation. value: Deeply anesthetized animal is perfused in order to preserve brain tissue for imunohistochemical analysis. name: perfusion_procedure