angle: unit: deg value: - 0.0 hemisphere: alternatives: C, center: between hemispheres L, left: left hemisphere R, right: right hemisphere value: C syringe_manufacturer: definition: The manufacturer of the syringe. value: Hamilton notes: value: 1 minute waiting before injection, 8 minute waiting after flow: unit: ul/min definition: The angle of the implant, assuming leveled bregma and lambda, 0 degrees is vertical implantation value: - 0.05 injection_substance_manufacurer: definition: Name of manufacturer of the injection substance. value: Deisseroth lab position: unit: mm value: - x - y - z position_reference: alternatives: - bregma - dura - lambda - longitudinal suture - skull - transverse sinus definition: By default position are specified by the coordinates of skull. Use this property for other definitions. value: y: bregma x: bregma z: skull injection_substance: definition: The full name of the injection substance, e.g. AAV8-hSyn-eChR2(H134R)-EYFP. local_marker: '' value: '' injection_substance_storage_manufactuer: definition: Manufacturer of storage device for injection substance value: '' injection_substance_information: definition: Additional information to injection substance. value: Diluted to 5X10e12 with ice cold PBS (sterile lab PBS injection_substance_storage_temp: unit: degC value: - -80.0 identifier: injection_ms registered: '2018-10-25T21:55:28' description: definition: A textual description of the preparation. value: Injection of virus in medial septum, AAV-mediated expression of channelrhodopsin-2 location: alternatives: - MECL - MECR - MS definition: 'Describes the brain area of recording. MS: Medial Septum, MECR: Medial Entorhinal Cortex Right hemisphere, MECL: Medial Entorhinal Cortex Left hemisphere, ' value: MS definition: Describing an injection procedure e.g. injection of virus. injection_substance_storage_info: definition: Information of storage procedure of injection substance. value: Kept on ice in fridge during surgery, for 2 h name: injection_ms syringe_needle_diameter: unit: um value: - 100.0