Compute FWHM of PSTHs for 11 and 30Hz

Only PSTHs with a significance level below 0.05 are used

In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import spatial_maps as sp
import septum_mec.analysis.data_processing as dp
import septum_mec.analysis.registration
import expipe
import os
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import exdir
import pandas as pd
import optogenetics as og
import quantities as pq
import shutil
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
import seaborn as sns
from functools import reduce
from septum_mec.analysis.stimulus_response import stimulus_response_latency, compute_response
import scipy.stats
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
from tqdm._tqdm_notebook import tqdm_notebook
from septum_mec.analysis.statistics import load_data_frames, make_paired_tables, make_statistics_table 

%matplotlib widget
/home/mikkel/.virtualenvs/expipe/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ TqdmDeprecationWarning: This function will be removed in tqdm==5.0.0
Please use `tqdm.notebook.*` instead of `tqdm._tqdm_notebook.*`
In [3]:
std_gaussian_kde = 0.04
window_size = 0.03
tmin = 0. # delay to compute FWHM after stimulus onset
In [4]:
data_loader = dp.Data()
actions = data_loader.actions
project = data_loader.project
In [5]:
output = pathlib.Path('output/stimulus-response-fwhm')
(output / 'data').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
(output / 'figures').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
(output / 'statistics').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
In [6]:
colors = ['#d95f02','#e7298a']
labels = [
    '11 Hz', 
    '30 Hz'
queries = [
    'frequency==11 and stim_location=="ms"',
    'frequency==30 and stim_location=="ms"']
In [7]:
data, labels, colors, queries = load_data_frames(queries, labels, colors)
Number of sessions above threshold 194
Number of animals 4
Number of individual gridcells 139
Number of gridcell recordings 230
In [8]:
# use baseline==False and p_e_peak < 0.05
session_units_sig = data.query('p_e_peak == p_e_peak')
In [9]:
action baseline entity frequency i ii session stim_location stimulated tag ... bs_ctrl ns_inhibited ns_not_inhibited gridcell bs_not_gridcell label label_num query color cell_type
13 1839-120619-4 False 1839 30.0 False True 4 ms True stim ii ... NaN False False False True 30 Hz 1.0 frequency==30 and stim_location=="ms" #e7298a bs_not_gridcell
14 1839-120619-4 False 1839 30.0 False True 4 ms True stim ii ... NaN True False True False 30 Hz 1.0 frequency==30 and stim_location=="ms" #e7298a gridcell
15 1839-120619-4 False 1839 30.0 False True 4 ms True stim ii ... NaN True False False False 30 Hz 1.0 frequency==30 and stim_location=="ms" #e7298a ns_inhibited
16 1839-120619-4 False 1839 30.0 False True 4 ms True stim ii ... NaN False False False True 30 Hz 1.0 frequency==30 and stim_location=="ms" #e7298a bs_not_gridcell
17 1839-120619-4 False 1839 30.0 False True 4 ms True stim ii ... NaN False False False True 30 Hz 1.0 frequency==30 and stim_location=="ms" #e7298a bs_not_gridcell
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1279 1833-010719-2 False 1833 11.0 True False 2 ms True stim i ... NaN False False False True 11 Hz 0.0 frequency==11 and stim_location=="ms" #d95f02 bs_not_gridcell
1280 1833-010719-2 False 1833 11.0 True False 2 ms True stim i ... NaN False False False True 11 Hz 0.0 frequency==11 and stim_location=="ms" #d95f02 bs_not_gridcell
1281 1833-010719-2 False 1833 11.0 True False 2 ms True stim i ... NaN False False False True 11 Hz 0.0 frequency==11 and stim_location=="ms" #d95f02 bs_not_gridcell
1282 1833-010719-2 False 1833 11.0 True False 2 ms True stim i ... NaN False False False True 11 Hz 0.0 frequency==11 and stim_location=="ms" #d95f02 bs_not_gridcell
1283 1833-010719-2 False 1833 11.0 True False 2 ms True stim i ... NaN False False False True 11 Hz 0.0 frequency==11 and stim_location=="ms" #d95f02 bs_not_gridcell

647 rows × 68 columns

In [10]:
def compute_fwhm(psth, times, t_min=None):
    Compute PSTH. The function handles a single peak or multiple peaks. In the latter case, the peak containing the max peak is used
    times_accepted = times > tmin
    max_idx = np.argmax(psth[times_accepted])
    idxs_greater = np.where(psth[times_accepted] > 0.5 * np.ptp(psth[times_accepted]))[0]
    if np.all(np.diff(idxs_greater) == 1):
        fwhm = times[times_accepted][idxs_greater[-1]] - times[times_accepted][idxs_greater[0]]
        # deal with multiple peaks. when multiple peaks are found, the one containing max_idx is used
        diff_splits = np.where((np.diff(idxs_greater) == 1) == False)[0]
        idxs_list = []
        for i, ds in enumerate(diff_splits):
            if i == 0:
            elif i < len(diff_splits):
        for idxs in idxs_list:
            if max_idx in idxs:
                fwhm = times[times_accepted][idxs[-1]] - times[times_accepted][idxs[0]]
    return fwhm, psth[times_accepted][max_idx]
In [11]:
times = np.arange(-0.005, window_size, 1e-4)
tmin = 0.005
psths = []
def process(row):
    action_id = row['action']
    channel_group = row['channel_group']
    unit_name = row['unit_name']
    name = f'{action_id}_{channel_group}_{unit_name}'
    spike_times = data_loader.spike_train(action_id, channel_group, unit_name)
    spike_times = np.array(spike_times)
    stim_times = data_loader.stim_times(action_id) 
    stim_times = np.array(stim_times)
    _, spikes, kernel, p_e, p_i = stimulus_response_latency(
        spike_times, stim_times, window_size, std_gaussian_kde)
    fwhm, peak = compute_fwhm(kernel(times), times, tmin)
    return pd.Series({
        'fwhm': fwhm,
        'peak': peak
In [12]:
session_units_sig = session_units_sig.merge(
    session_units_sig.progress_apply(process, axis=1), 
    left_index=True, right_index=True)

In [13]:
# Quality control
fig = plt.figure()
for psth in psths:
    plt.plot(times, psth, color='C0', alpha=0.3)
In [ ]:
keys = [

results, labels = make_paired_tables(session_units_sig, keys, queries=queries, labels=labels, cell_types=['gridcell', 'ns_inhibited', 'ns_not_inhibited'])

Plot FWHM grouped by stimulation frequency

In [ ]:
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=12)
    'font.size': 12,
    'figure.figsize': (1.7, 3),
    'figure.dpi': 150
In [ ]:
def violinplot2(data, xticks, colors):
    pos = [i * 0.6 for i in range(len(data))]
    violins = plt.violinplot(data, pos, showmeans=True, showextrema=False)
    for i, b in enumerate(violins['bodies']):
        b.set_alpha (0.8)


    # for i, body in enumerate(violins['cbars']):
    #     body.set_color('C{}'.format(i))


    for category in ['cbars', 'cmins', 'cmaxes', 'cmedians', 'cmeans']:
        if category in violins:
            violins[category].set_color(['k', 'k'])
    plt.xticks(pos, xticks, rotation=45)
In [ ]:
for cell_type, result, in results.items():
    fig = plt.figure()
        [result['fwhm']['11 Hz'].dropna().values, result['fwhm']['30 Hz'].dropna().values], 
        xticks=["11 Hz  ", "  30 Hz"],
    figname = f'{cell_type}-stim-response-fwhm-11-30Hz'
        output / 'figures' / f'{figname}.png', 
        bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)
        output / 'figures' / f'{figname}.svg', 
        bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)
[0.0, 0.6]
[0.0, 0.6]
[0.0, 0.6]
In [ ]:
for cell_type, result, in results.items():
    fig = plt.figure()
        [result['peak']['11 Hz'].dropna().values, result['peak']['30 Hz'].dropna().values], 
        xticks=["11 Hz  ", "  30 Hz"],
    figname = f'{cell_type}-stim-response-peak-11-30Hz'
        output / 'figures' / f'{figname}.png', 
        bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)
        output / 'figures' / f'{figname}.svg', 
        bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)
[0.0, 0.6]
[0.0, 0.6]
[0.0, 0.6]


In [ ]:
stats = {}
for cell_type, result in results.items():
    stats[cell_type], _ = make_statistics_table(result, labels)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
for cell_type, stat in stats.items():
    stat.to_latex(output / "statistics" / f"statistics_{cell_type}.tex")
    stat.to_csv(output / "statistics" / f"statistics_{cell_type}.csv")

Save to expipe

In [ ]:
action = project.require_action("stimulus-response-fwhm")
In [ ]:
action.modules['parameters'] = {
    'window_size': window_size,
    'std_gaussian_kde': std_gaussian_kde,
    'tmin': tmin
In [ ]:['results'] = 'results.csv'
session_units_sig.to_csv(action.data_path('results'), index=False)
In [ ]:
copy_tree(output, str(action.data_path()))
In [ ]:
septum_mec.analysis.registration.store_notebook(action, "10-calculate-stimulus-response-fwhm.ipynb")
In [ ]: