registered: '2018-10-25T21:55:28' identifier: behavior notes: value: '' environment: definition: The environment in which the experiments were conducted. Classical environments are e.g. the Y-maze or T-maze. Some environments are called enriched also reduced or even natural. value: Open field protocol_info: definition: Additional information to the task protocol undertaken by the subject. value: 'Weetabix Weetos choco: 41 % fullkornshvete, sukker, hvetemel, maltodekstrin, kakaopulver, rapsolje, melkepulver, salt, E508, aroma, Energi: 392 kcal/1656 kJ, Protein: 8 g, Karbohydrater: 76 g, hvorav sukkerarter: 29 g, Fett: 4,9 g, Herav mettede fettsyrer: 1,0 g, Kostfiber: 5,8 g, Natrium: 0,09 g' paradigm: definition: The paradigm used in the experiment, e.g. Learning, navigation, etc... value: navigation individual_count: definition: The number of individuals that are observed/investigated at the same time. value: 1 protocol: definition: A description of the task protocol undertaken by the subject. value: foraging for Weetos name: behavior definition: Describing the type of behavior that was assesed in experimental setup.